

12 tháng 4 2007
Bài học bên trảng cỏ
Ngay kia, mot thay giao va hoc vien cua minh cung ngoi nghi duoi tan cay lon, gan do la trang co rong. Chot nguoi hoc vien hoi: ?Thay a, em cam thay roi tri trong viec lam sao tim duoc nguoi ban doi nhu y muon. Thay co the giup em chang??.

Thay sau mot luc im lang noi: ?Um, cau hoi kha kho nhung cung don gian??

Hoc vien ngac nhien: ?Vay la sao ha thay??

Thay ben noi: Hay nhin kia, trang co rong lon ay. Bay gio em ra do, bang qua no nhung nho la khong duoc quay dau lai, chi tien thang toi truoc thoi. Tren duong di em co tim xem co cay co nao xinh dep thi nho len va dem ve cho thay. Chi mot cay co thoi, khong phai nam nhe. Gio thi di di.

Hoc vien: Da duoc. Thay doi chut nhe.

It phut sau?

Hoc vien: Em da ve?

Thay: U, ma nay, thay khong he thay cay co xinh dep nao nhu da dan tren tay em ca.

Nguoi hoc vien: Tren duong di, em thay it cay cung goi la xinh dep, nhung em nghi rang minh co the tim duoc cay dep hon, vi vay em da khong chon. Cu the, va roi em di den cuoi trang co ma chua chon duoc cay nao ca. Va vi thay dan khong di nguoc lai nen em danh ve tay khong.

Thay: Do la nhung gi xay den trong cuoc song cua chung ta.

* Co --> Nhung nguoi o quanh em.

* Cay co xinh dep --> Nguoi thu hut em.

* Trang co --> Thoi gian.

Khi tim kiem mot nguoi de chung song cung nhau suot doi, dung luon so sanh voi nhung nguoi khac va hy vong minh se kiem duoc nguoi tot nhat. Vi nhu the, em se chi danh mat thoi gian quy bau trong doi, hay nho rang ?Thoi gian khong bao gio quay tro lai?. Thay vao do, hoc cach chap nhan con nguoi cua co/anh ay.
Cau chuyen nay that hay va that co y nghia phai ko. Nhung chi co mot dieu la ai cung thich chon mot bong hoa dep nhat, kiem mot con nguoi hoan hao nhat. Nhung chang co ai la hoan hao ca. Hi`hi`God blesses me to accept what I am having.

----To be yourself is the best idea I have known ----


Posted by B06 @ 12.4.07  
  • At 13/4/07, Blogger B06 said…

    Congratulations! You're on the progress of finding yourself. You're a happy person because you, however you lost yourself, can finally live with her.

    There are some people who CANNOT live with themselves. They have to try to pretend to be others. I bet you know the feelings of such people. Terrible! But they have to.

    So don't give in and don't lose yourself if you can...

    Good luck!

  • At 13/4/07, Blogger B06 said…

    Thanks for your supporting !
    But I don't really understand why you said that " You're a happy person because you can finally live with her " . Who is " her " ? I am also not clear at one point : " But they have to " . Why do they have to pretend to be the others when they themselves can feel how terrible it is ?

  • At 14/4/07, Blogger B06 said…

    Perfect!Not a word can I say at this time.I just want to give you the lyrics of the song that reminds me to be myself : Don't u ever wish u were so else,u were meant to be the way u are exactly.Don't u ever say u don't like the way u are? When u learn to love urself,u're better up by far.And I hope u always stay the same 'cause it's nothing 'bout u I would change

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